Tuesday, October 4, 2011

In the beginning. . .

God created man.  He then proclaimed that it was "not good for man to be alone."  So we must logically conclude that it is also not good for woman to be alone.  Right?  Makes sense to me.  Ya'll I'm not doing too good over here.  Alone is a real thing.  You know that commercial "depression hurts?"  Yeah well I remixed it for all the Army Wives out there: "deployment hurts."  And it does.  Oh man it hurts.  It hurts when you are laying in bed and your feet are cold so they instinctively move over to cuddle with your husband's strong legs only to find miles and miles of more cold sheets.  It hurts when your five year old says something hilarious and you can't share it with the one person on Earth who will get it, like really get it.  

I miss my Davy.  

I think of him non stop now that he's gone.  I feel like the US Army just pushed pause on the story of our life, right on a good part too!  When we were in the middle of our drama, I couldn't keep him away with a pit bull and a restraining order taped to an electric fence.  But now that we are back to boo-dom they fly him half way around the world.  Literally.  That's sucks!  You know what else sucks?  The regret.  I regret so much wasted time. So many bad moods, arguments, silly fights, bad fights, you're wrong, ghetto fights, on my nerves. . .  Whatever the reasons were, I regret them now.  I want my 16 seconds of silent treatment in the car back.  I want to use those seconds to tell my husband that he still has the "BEST voice" on the face of the planet.  I wanna tell him how much I love the birthmark on his cheek and how wiggly he is when he dances.  I can't wait until he comes home. . . 

God was right; as usual.  This is no good.  I'm not supposed to be without theDav.  I don't know what to do with myself.  Anyway, he's only been gone for a few days.  This deployment is very much in it's beginning stages.  In a nutshell, this is going to be a long cold, winter. 

1 comment:

  1. I am praying for you. I would love to see you and your family again. :)
