Saturday, November 13, 2010

I'll give it a go.

So I've been toying with the idea of a blog for some time now.  But I'm kind of a wimp (and bad speller), a big one.  So here I am about a year after saying, "I would like to start a blog" and  I'm doing it.  I have a real life acquaintance, turned facebook friend to thank for the sudden boost of courage.  Ok now who am I exactly?  Well I'd like to think that once upon a blue moon I was kind of a big deal.  Now, not so much.  Here are my stats:

~ I'm a Christian.  Wasn't raised in a Christian home but miraculously I was saved in college.
~ I'm married to theDav.  We are the least compatible couple on the face of the Earth but we love each other so it's ok.
~I've got three kids.  Dae Dae is four and a musical genius. Ladybug is 18 months, she likes to say "no," and TeaTea (TT) is 3 months; she enjoys crying, breast milk and sleep (in that order.)

So there is it, that's pretty much who I am, in a nutshell.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Don't worry about the spelling and grammatical mistakes. Honestly, most people reading your blog won't notice, we just love your honesty and sense of humor. I am fan.

    *SN: I had to delete my first comment because of the poor grammar. LOL!
